About the Farm

The Story Behind the Logo

Puddin Farm is all about the legacy of William and Shirley Turner, Paula’s beloved parents.

William’s railroader buddies called him the Badger because he was so hard working and did not take any guff from anyone. He took his job seriously in order to provide for his family. He called his bride his Tweet Tweet. He would have done anything for his wife. He would say that he would given her the moon and the stars if he could have.

Hence, the Badger is carrying his Tweet Tweet on his back at the Puddin Farm. It is such a beautiful little love story.


2 thoughts on “The Story Behind the Logo

  1. The Puddin Hill Farm website is an innovative, leading-edge, and awe-inspiring kick-off to a promising agricultural enterprise! Good-going and a pat-on-the-back for the eloquent tribute to Shirley and William Turner!

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